There's so much to do! We took a tiny bit of time today to strengthen our social media presence and visibility, which are just big words that mean we made an Instagram page AND a Google+ page! Fun! We'll be using these sites along with our Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Pinterest pages to let people know what we're up to. And don't you worry - even though we're getting close to being dark at the theatre (lingo for not having any shows going on), we'll still be updating all of these sites quite a bit over the next few months. So hop on at the ground floor, everybody, and start following us TODAY! =)
And, in case you need to feel a little bit better about yourself, head on over to our Instagram page and check out what it took to pick our three selections for next season. Yowza! That was a WHOLE LOT of reading, folks!
Now that the season is set, we're focusing on getting directors, stage managers, designers, and actors in place for the productions. While this, in and of itself, is no small feat, the Detroit area mass general auditions are coming up unbelievably fast, which puts a tough deadline on us for finding those directors! We're not too worried, though - if you saw our facebook post today, you saw that we only need to fill one more director slot. (PS, anybody that might be interested, email your directing resume to mbuckley@matrixtheatre.org)
We know that the upcoming season is going to entail an enormous amount of work on our part, but all we have to say to that is:
We got this. And you're going to love it!