Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Time is FLYING!

Hey, everybody!

Can  you believe we're more than halfway through AUGUST?!?! How is that even possible?!  The school year is getting started, which means the Matrix Mainstage Season is gearing up for production, too!  We've been working hard around the office, and CAN'T WAIT for you to see what we have in store for you this year!

If you want a sneak peek, come check out our Matrix Mainstage Season Preview Party this Sunday, August 25th from 2-4pm - it's a garden party in the Matrix Greenspace, right next door to the theater!  We'll have some light appetizers and desserts and we found some recipes for refreshing beverages that sound DELICIOUS! As for the preview part of the party, we'll be showcasing short scenes from each of the three mainstage season productions: No Child..., Visiting Mr. Green, and Collected Stories.  We'll also have ticket blitz opportunities, where you can purchase single tickets or season subscriptions at fantastic discounted rates.  And the best part?  Admission to the Preview Party is FREE!  (We simply ask that you call our box office at 313-967-0599 or email to let us know you're coming so that we know how many people to plan for.  Easy, right?  Right!)  If you can't make it to the preview party but would like to purchase single tickets ahead of time (we think it might be a good idea), click here for a calendar of performances.  Or, if you want to take advantage of our first-time-ever-offered season ticket plan, call us at the box office number above!

As far as everything else goes, the marketing team has been working on ad sales and sponsorships quite a bit over the last few weeks, and we are pleased to announce that we already have two "Ensemble Member" sponsorships for the production season!  Thanks so much to The Brennan Group and Green Dot Stables for supporting and believing in us - we won't let you down!  If you or someone you know might be interested in purchasing an ad (at an extremely affordable rate) or sponsoring our production season (again, very affordable), let us know!  Contact Molly McMahon at 313-967-0999, ext. 7 for info.  She'll send you a super-fun packet of materials and information for your perusal.  (Megan had a lot of fun learning some graphic design programs this summer and is very pleased with how all of the materials turned out, so the more, the merrier!)

The brochures are in and will be mailed out by the end of this week, so check your mailbox for it next week - and, if you're not on our mailing list but would like to receive snail mail announcements or email updates from us, click here and join in on the fun!  But for now, we're off to seal some envelopes.  Wooo, glue sticks!

Have a great day, everybody - we hope to see you on Sunday!